Browsing All posts tagged under »joint sounds«

Empyting out the mailbag and clearing the history #7

June 26, 2015

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Other mailbags can be found here. Keep in mind a lot of this is email conversations, comment replies, or some random interesting things I’ve found. By their nature they are not as thorough or complete as a post on one topic. Here’s what’s covered in this installment (click to be taken to the section): Some good imaging sources Different take […]

What’s up with the noise my knee makes?

July 14, 2014


Crepitus -your joints making sounds- is part of a routine conversation I have with clients. Client “My shoulder, knee, [enter joint here] makes this sound.” Me “Is there any pain when it happens?” Client “No.” Me “Don’t worry about it.” The sound is usually some popping or clicking, and joints making these sounds are just […]